To: Residents of the Park at Wolf Branch Oaks

When: Beginning Monday, October 10, 2022, at 8:00am until further notice
We have begun the need maintenance at the Water Plant as of this morning at around 8am. With this maintenance we have had to depressurize our system that supplies the neighborhood. Because of this, a precautionary Boil Water Notice has been issued for the HOA for the next 48-hours.

As a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of one minute is sufficient. As an alternative, bottled water may be used.
This “precautionary boil water notice” will remain in effect for a minimum of 48 hours until bacteriological surveys show that the water is safe to drink. When the boil water notice is rescinded, notice will be posted at the entrance to the community, to the online mailing list, and in the news section of community website:
For additional information around Boil Water Alerts / Advisories, please visit our Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ) section of the website. (click here)
Park at Wolf Branch Oaks Homeowners Association