Water Plant Maintenance / No Water Monday, October 10th

Water service for the Park at Wolf Branch Oaks will be interrupted / shut down for scheduled maintenance on Monday, October 10th. We expect the water to be off for 8 hours, starting on the morning of October 10th at approximately 9 A.M. When the water is back on, as a precaution, you will need to boil water for the next 48 hours, or until an all-clear notification is issued. We advise all water used for drinking, cooking, brushing teeth, making ice, and washing dishes be

boiled. A rolling boil for one minute is sufficient. As an alternative, bottled water may be used. During this advisory it is okay to shower and wash clothes. When the water is safe to use for cooking and drinking you will receive another notification letting you know. PLEASE limit water usage, turn off irrigation systems and other valves and spigots to minimize water system issues during this time.
Sincerely Board of Directors and Water Committee